
What was the goal?

What do farmers think of the best-known companies in the agricultural sector? Annual survey on farmers’ awareness of and attitudes towards the best-known brands in the German agricultural sector. In addition, the focus is on determining the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is comprehensively justified by the respondents.

Our services for this project:

Strategic conception and comprehensive project support
Conceptual design & programming of the questionnaire
Implementation and coordination of the field phase of the quantitative survey
Analysis of the data from the quantitative online survey
Interpretation and well-structured preparation of the results including recommendations for action
Company-specific calculation of the NPS (likelihood of recommendation) incl. clustering and analysis of justifications for the intention to recommend the company to others
Our services

Who is the client?

The project is carried out and published in cooperation with various agricultural journals of the dlv (agrarheute, Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt, LAND & FORST).

Go to agrarheute

Who was the target group?

The target group of the study is farmers from Germany. On average, around 650 farmers take part in the surveys, and rank around 55 established companies.

Our target group

External report on the study

Some of the results of the study are published in the print edition of agrarheute or online.

Link to study

What our client says

Simon Michel-Berger

Chief Editor, agrarheute

“agri experts provides reliable data for wide-ranging reporting, which in turn is often quoted by other media. In times of perceived truths, resilient facts are particularly valuable.”